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We at iQ – Quick Response Code have developed a system to generate unique globally accessible, QR codes that transforms into Data Collection tool which can Minimize your Expense and Maximize your Profits by taking your Business to Next level. Using our QR - Code’s, You can read the QR Codes with the QR-Scanner’s. QR – Scanners can be installed in any Smart phone’s Android / iPhone.

The main advantage of a QR code is its versatility. QR codes can be used for anything and everything. They are also beneficial for both customers and businesses. For example, a business saves money and advertising costs by distributing a QR code to their website or URL. A customer can scan this QR code and this allows them to store the information for future reference. What’s also greater about QR codes is that they bridge different forms of marketing streams together. For example ecommerce and mobile commerce are both used for QR codes. QR codes acts as the link and it also exposes customers to other forms of advertising the business or service of the QR code has done. This maximizes exposure and can potentially generate revenue.