We offer QR code services ranging from bookmark, email, SMS, URL, Youtube channel, Whois info, Histats info, password protection, contact, Geo location, MMS, WIFI, Youtube video, complete info, Facebook profile info, vCard, content, phone, text, PayPal button, Alexa info, quantcast info, Twitter info. We can help you unleash your business with quality QR code services. We believe your satisfaction is our priority.

Typical applications include:

  • Manufacturing
    • Product traceability
    • Process control
    • Order and time tracking
    • Inventory and equipment management
  • Warehousing and logistics
    • Item tracking
  • Retail field
    • Point-of-purchase product identification
    • Sales management
    • Inventory control
  • Healthcare industry
    • Medical records management
    • Patient identification
    • Medication tracking
    • Equipment and device tracking
  • Life sciences
    • Specimen tracking
  • Transportation industry
    • Fleet management
    • Ticketing and boarding passes
  • Office automation
    • Document management
  • Marketing and advertising
    • Mobile marketing
    • Electronic tickets, coupons, payments and loyalty programs

The newest and most innovative uses of the QR Code are in marketing and advertising. The use of the QR Code in mobile marketing allows direct communication between advertisers and smartphone users. Mobile marketing has recently seen rapid all over the world where the QR Code is increasingly appearing in print and online advertising, as well as on signs, billboards, posters, business cards, clothing and other items.

Healthcare Industry

  • Medical records management
  • Patient identification
  • Medication tracking
  • Equipment and device tracking

QR code is used in the medical field to alleviate the time patients spend filling out forms / in waiting rooms, allowing staff to focus more on care and education. Imagine this: patients, guests and staff could scan QR Codes to register at the hospital, access medical facility maps, schedule a lab appointment. If you’re in the healthcare field, we provide QR code services that would make a difference for your team and your patients.

A medical consultation form with a QR code on it which is sent to a patient.

Before measurements of each test are taken, the QR code on the medical consultation form is read in with a handheld terminal unit. When each test is finished, measurements taken in it are sent to the handheld terminal unit as well. After both data (patient ID information and measurement data) are coupled, they are sent to a server.

The measurements are also printed out on a label, and this label is affixed to the medical consultation form.

Geo location Service

A Google Maps QR Code makes it easy for your guests to pinpoint a location on the Maps application (or the Maps website on the browser). If you are looking to provide map coordinates of your office or event site, then this code is what you need.

You can use a Google Maps QR Code for the following use cases:

  • Location of your office or shop on your business card.
  • Location of the event site on the invitation or ticket.
  • Location of a tourist spot on travel brochures.

Building Your Network > Facebook and twitter information

QR codes can help you add your customers to your social network. We can help you create a QR code that links a mobile device to your Facebook and twitter profile information on your Facebook page. QR codes enhance both your search engine and social media optimization. Now you can increase traffic to those searchable objects to further optimize them by encouraging more sharing.


You can find QR codes being used to send audiences to a website for browsing, to bookmark a webpage, to initiate phone calls, send short messages, send emails, produce links to web URL’s, start chats with blackberry users, connect to WI-FI networks, access information, get coupons, view videos, purchase items, process orders, advertise products.


When you scan or read a QR code with your iPhone, Android or other camera-enabled Smartphone, you can link to digital content on the web; activate a number of phone functions including email, IM and SMS; and connect the mobile device to a web browser. Any of these desired functions are easily achieved by simply contacting us to help create your QR code for the services listed above.


The ability of QR codes to connect people with each other and to multimedia digital content is very useful for businesses and consumers alike.


We can help you create a QR code that would include your contact information. A work around would be to create a QR Code pointing to a mobile page where the user clicks to download a particular contact.


QR codes are used to create short link to URLS, which is why link shortening services bit.ly and goo.gl now automatically generate a QR code for sharing your shortened links. Using goo.gl as an example, you simply click on the “more” link after you create your shortened link, where you are taken to a page that not only gives you the QR code, but useful analytics.


There’s always been a need to password protect web content for security or privacy, but with QR codes being, by their very nature, very public, password protecting the QR code itself to limit access to the content it links to can add a “softer” security layer to that content. “Locking down” the content with a password barrier actually on the website limits access for anyone who arrives at that page, regardless of how they arrived there, but being able to limit public access to it only for visitors that come in through one channel – the QR code – can sometimes be handy if there’s no password functionality on the website itself.

YouTube Channel service

Most of the time YouTube QR codes are used for Commercial reasons. In seminar invitation / Posters / Issue Notice / hard Copy Resume. Mostly, YouTube users use QR codes to have people follow their YouTube channel which is in its own way a marketing strategy. However, you can use YouTube videos on QR codes as a way of offering video tutorials concerning your products or services. In order for this to work, you need to place an incentive for scanning the code and following the video link. Users are more

likely to scan a QR code when they know they stand to benefit from it. You can promise your users coupon codes, discounts or any other incentive if they scan your code.

VCard and Email Service

You can overcome all the issues by creating a Mobile Business Card. It allows you to edit the contact information anytime in case your phone or email changes. People who scan the QR Code will be redirected to a mobile Website displaying your contact data. They can also add your contact to their address book by clicking “Save Business Card”-Button at the bottom or call and mail you directly through the integrated Call-to-Action Buttons. Moreover, you can include your profile picture, logos and your social profiles.

PayPal button service

If you have a PayPal account and want to give your customers the option to paying via PayPal on your print material, then you need a PayPal QR Code. A PayPal QR Code can be used for the following use cases:

  • Accept donations if you are a charitable organization from print media promotion
  • Accept payment from print invoices.

Problems / Disadvantages without using QR Code:

  • Since test data used to be filled in medical consultation forms manually first, it was time consuming to input these data to a host computer system.
  • Sometimes errors were made in carrying out medical tests in the prescribed sequence, or some tests were overlooked.
  • Privacy is Not Maintained.

Recent Blogs


Everybody seems to be enticed with the intriguing QR codes. There are hundreds of websites and forums talking about this controversial codes. Almost all of the amateur online businesses and even the local businesses are beginning to get involved with this controversial codes...

Advantages of using QR Code

Although the QR Code was originally designed to track automotive components and systems through the manufacturing process and distribution supply chain, it has rapidly spread to virtually every other area where traditional barcodes are used, as well as some entirely new ones...